The Beginning Of The Berkarya Party Conflict, PTUN Wins Tommy Soeharto, Up To Orders To Revoke Muchdi Pr
Tommy Soeharto / Antara

JAKARTA - Hutomo Mandala Putra alias Tommy Soeharto won the lawsuit against the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna Laoly at the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN). Tommy sued the Berkarya Party's Kemenkumham Decree under the leadership of Muchdi Purwopranjono (Muchdi Pr).

Decision Number 182 / G / 2020 / PTUN.JKT was knocked on Tuesday, February 16, granted the lawsuit filed by Tommy Soeharto as a representative of the Berkarya Party Central Leadership Council while the defendant was Menkumham.

"Judging in the main case; to grant the lawsuit in its entirety, ”said the verdict of the Jakarta State Administrative Court quoted in the Directory of the Supreme Court, Wednesday, February 17.

In its decision, the PTUN panel declared the cancellation of the Decree of the Minister of Law and Human Rights Number M.HH-16.01 Year 2020 concerning Ratification of Amendments to the Party's Articles of Association and Bylaws dated 30 July 2020 and Decree of the Menkum HAM Number M.HH-17.AH.11.01 2020 concerning Ratification of Changes in the Composition of the Working Party Central Executive Board for the period 2020-2025 dated July 30, 2020.

So how did the conflict begin to lead to this lawsuit?

Initially, while still being led by Tommy Soeharto, a number of cadres formed the Presidium to Save the Berkarya Party which discussed the Extraordinary National Deliberation (Munaslub). This was done because the cadres were disappointed with the achievements of the officials who at that time led the party.

Moreover, based on the 2019 Election, the Berkarya Party only received 2.09 percent of the votes or 2,929,495 votes so that it did not enter the parliament.

Furthermore, the Presidium to Save the Berkarya Party held a National Conference on July 11, 2020 at the Grand Kemang Hotel, Jakarta, even though Tommy had already threatened to dismiss the cadres who participated in this movement.

This threat is not playing games. This is because during the Munaslub, President Soeharto's son came to the location together with the then Secretary General of the Berkarya Party, Priyo Budi Santoso and other high-ranking officials to disband.

Even though it was disbanded, Munaslub was still carried out and succeeded in changing the reins of leadership. At that time, Muchdi Pr was asked to become Chairman of the Berkarya Party and Badarudin Andi Picunang as Secretary General. Meanwhile, Tommy, was expelled from his position as chairman and only became the supervisory board.

A month after this incident, in August 2020, the Berkarya Party led by Muchdi Purwopranjono (Pr) admitted that he had a decree (SK) validating the management from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. The Ministry of Law and Human Rights is said to have issued a decree on July 30, 2020 regarding the ratification of the Change of the Work Party's AD / ART and a decree on the change in the composition of the Central Executive Board (DPP).

This then led Tommy Soeharto's camp to question the reason for the Minister of Law and Human Rights to issue the decree. This is because they consider the previous Munaslub to be illegal, illegal and violate party rules.

Subsequently, Tommy's camp filed a lawsuit at the Jakarta Administrative Court until it was finally decided on.

Muchdi Pr's steps forward

After the Minister of Law and Human Rights is ordered to revoke the decree on Tommy Soeharto's lawsuit, the Chairman of the Berkarya Party, Muchdi Purwopranjono (Muchdi Pr) will appeal the decision of the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN).

"By granting the plaintiff's lawsuit against two RI Kemenkumham Decrees, we will continue to pursue legal action by filing an appeal against the State Administrative Court's decision," Muchdi said in a video statement, Wednesday, February 17.

This appeal was filed because the process that was being carried out, starting from the preparation of the Extraordinary National Conference (Munaslub), which was carried out from 10-12 July 2020, has been carried out based on the Rules of Association and Bylaws (AD / ART) of the Berkarya Party and applicable laws. .

With this appeal decision, Muchdi Pr asked all party cadres and administrators at all levels to remain solid and run as usual until a decision has permanent legal force or inkhracht.

In addition, Kemenkumham Decrees Number 16 and 17 dated July 30, he said, are still valid and valid until this legal remedy is completed.

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