Labor Party Threatens To Hold Massive Actions If The Constitutional Court Doesn't Revoke The Omnibus Law On The Job Creation Law
Screenshot - President of the Labor Party Said Iqbal

JAKARTA - The Labor Party has threatened to hold a massive action if the Constitutional Court (MK) does not cancel or revoke the omnibus law of the Job Creation Law number 6 of 2023.

This was conveyed by the President of the Labor Party, Said Iqbal, in response to the decision of the formal test or judicial review of the omnibus law on the Job Creation Law on October 2.

"Of course this decision will affect the long term, 30 years for Indonesian workers. Because this omnibus law will not only have an impact on workers but also other groups," Said Iqbal said in a virtual press conference, Saturday, September 30.

"If the formal test of the plaintiffs is defeated, the future of workers and other groups will be difficult," he continued.

Therefore, continued Said, the Labor Party and KSPI expressed their stance. First, asking the Constitutional Court to revoke the omnibus law on the job creation law through a judicial review or formal test.

"Because the Labor party is the only political party that refuses, it will take a stand against the Constitutional Court's decision if the formal test lawsuit loses, which will organize actions against the omnibus law to create work," said Said.

Second, the Labor Party represents large groups such as workers, farmers, fishermen and other workers. There are 4 trade union confederations, namely the KSPSI, KSPI, KPBI and KSPSI organizations and 60 workers at the national level.

"Thus more than 80 percent of the workers work as plaintiffs. We are sure that the decision is already there, but what is the decision we don't know later on October 2," said Said.

Third, Said hopes that the Constitutional Court judge will cancel or revoke the omnibus law of the Job Creation Law number 6 of 2023.

"Revoke! Declare as unconstitutional, declare that it does not apply in the territory of this republic. Because if it is granted then I am sure there will be continuous action and remember this is a political year, actions will continue from trade unions, farmers' unions and so on," said Said.

Fourth, there will be large actions that can occur every week and are bumpy in 38 provinces and more than 300 districts/cities if the Constitutional Court does not revoke the omnibus law of the copyrighter Law or states that it does not apply.

"We remind the Constitutional Court judges not to play with fire, because this year politics is considered carefully. Because we have the principle that justice is not obtained in the Court courtroom, the road is our way of seeking justice," said Said again.

Fifth, on October 2, 2023, there will be a reading of the decision to review the omnibus law formal review of the Job Creation Law number 6 of 2023. So the Labor Party and KSPI along with 4 confederations will participate in massive actions at the Constitutional Court building and simultaneously throughout Indonesia.

"In the Constitutional Court building, the action involved tens of thousands of workers so that the total (all over Indonesia) could be hundreds of thousands. Be careful, the Constitutional Court should not repeat the incident of a simultaneous strike in October 2020," said Said.

The action will bring two demands, namely revoking the omnibus law of the Job Creation Law number 6 of 2023. Second, increasing the wages of 2024 by 15 percent.

"If the Constitutional Court is not careful, it does not give a sense of justice, then the road is our way of seeking justice plus one issue of raising wages," concluded Said Iqbal.

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