Corruption Of COVID-19 Masks, Mataram Police Will Check Again The Deputy Regent Of Sumbawa
Illustration of the return of state money in corruption cases. (Antanews)

The Mataram City Police (Polresta) investigators examined the marathon of witnesses in the alleged corruption case of the mask procurement project for COVID-19 prevention.

"Because here there are hundreds of MSMEs involved from all regencies/cities in NTB, so we carry out marathon investigations at this stage," said Head of the Mataram Police Satreskrim Kompol I Made Yogi Purusa Utama in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Friday, September 29, confiscated by Antara.

Within a week, he said, investigators summoned at least 30 witnesses from among MSMEs. The examination agenda for the Deputy Regent of Sumbawa Dewi Noviany has also been prepared by investigators.

"Because we have interrogated the person concerned during the investigation process, of course at the investigation stage this is included in the examination agenda," he said.

However, at the initial stage of this investigation, his party is still focused on examining witnesses from among MSMEs.

"We focus on MSMEs first. For others, follow," he said.

Yogi explained that the implementer of this project was under the control of the NTB Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperatives (SMEs) with a budget of IDR 12.3 billion.

The Mataram Police began carrying out an investigation in January 2023. The handling of this case rose to the investigation stage in mid-September 2023 based on findings of indications of unlawful acts (PMH) that led to criminal acts of corruption.

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