Fishermen Complain That Fish Catching Has Dropped Drastically After Coastal Reclamation In Bandar Lampung
The reclamation of beaches in Bandarlampung by PT Sinar Jaya Inti Mulya (SJIM). (ANTARA/HO)

BANDAR LAMPUNG - A fisherman on the coast of Karang Maritim, Panjang, Bandar Lampung, complained about the dust from the reclamation project on the shoreline of PT Sinar Jaya Inti Mulya (SJIM).

"In addition, we are very disturbed by this project. We were forced to go further to sea to catch fish," said a fisherman, Umar Wazid in Bandar Lampung, Monday, September 25, who was confiscated by Antara.

He said, in addition to having an impact on the economy, the reclamation project also had an impact on health, such as the presence of dust and vibrations on the earth's nails for the reclamation project.

"The fever from reclamation activity makes children often cough and experience respiratory problems. Even the dust reaches the table, my child is often sick with coughs, runny nose, and shortness of breath," he said.

On the other hand, the shoreline is where he and his family depend on their livelihoods such as fish, crabs, marine worms, and various other marine products.

However, he said, since the reclamation project that was right in front of his house has now decreased and has an impact on his economy.

"Arrests dropped drastically, usually I just look for fish on the edges such as shells, crabs, seaworms, and fish. Now it's really difficult since there is this reclamation," he said.

Head of the Lampung Provincial Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service, Liza Derni, said that the reclamation project undertaken by PT SJIM had been temporarily suspended after the permit was completed.

"The temporary dismissal for reclamation is in nature until they get KKPRL approval, after that (permit) comes out please continue," he said.

He added that the termination of PT SJIM itself was not set on a time limit so it depended on the licensing process carried out by the company.

Even though a permit has been issued, he continued, his party will still oversee the construction of a 14.83 hectare reclamation project that will be used as a CPO processing site.

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