Former Mayor Of Kendari Sulkarnain Kadir Detained By The Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office
Former Kendari Mayor Sulkarnain Kadir when he boarded the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office detention car. ANTARA/La Ode Muh Deden Saputra

KENDARI - Former Kendari Mayor Sulkarnain Kadir, a suspect in the alleged corruption case of PT Midi Utama Indonesia (MUI), was detained at the Kendari State Detention Center (Rutan) after being questioned by investigators from the Southeast Sulawesi High Prosecutor's Office.

"'Previously, he has been named a suspect. Today the person concerned (Sulkarnain) has fulfilled the summons, then investigators conduct an examination, then investigators determine the detention of the person concerned," said Southeast Sulawesi Attorney General's Intelligence Assistant Ade Hermawan in Kendari as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 23.

The Mayor of Kendari for the 2017 '2022 period was detained at the Kendari Rutan for the next 20 days.

Ade Hermawan revealed that Sulkarnain Kadir asked PT MUI for a number of rewards to issue permits.

"Given conditions in return, he (PT MUI) was asked to create colorful villages asking for a reward of Rp700 million. However, on the one hand the village has also been financed by the APBD," he said.

Currently, investigators from the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office are still developing cases of alleged corruption at PT MUI, and it is possible that there will be additional new suspects.

"It is possible that new facts at trial will appear," he explained.

Former Mayor of Sulkarnain Kadir was questioned by investigators from the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office in a case of alleged corruption for approximately 3 hours.

Previously, the former Mayor of Kendari Sulkarnain Kadir fulfilled the summons for questioning as a suspect at the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office at around 18.00 WITA.

Prior to the examination, Sulkarnain Kadir first performed Maghrib prayers at the Southeast Sulawesi Prosecutor's Office, then met with investigators for examination as suspects.

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