Government Ensures No Evictions In Lae-lae Island Reclamation
Lae Lae Island/ Photo: KSMtour

JAKARTA - The Provincial Government (Pemprov) of South Sulawesi guarantees that there will be no evictions during the reclamation around Lae-lae Island, Makassar City.

Assistant II for the Economy and Development of the South Sulawesi Provincial Government, Ichsan Mustari, quoted Antara, Sunday, May 28, as saying that a reclamation of 12.11 hectares will be carried out to the east of Lae-lae Island. This reclamation is a replacement area in the CPI area which will be carried out by PT Yasmin Bumi Asri.

"Reclamation will be carried out in the restrictions on the waves there (east of). So that from the location and location of the reclamation. So it does not affect residential areas, it is impossible for there to be evictions," he said during the reclamation socialization with island residents.

"It is impossible for the part there to be buried, and the part here to be evicted. There is no such thing," said Ichsan who was accompanied by the Head of the South Sulawesi Kesbangpol, Muh Firda, Head of the South Sulawesi Environment and Forestry Service, Andi Hasbi Nur, and the Head of the South Sulawesi Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service, Muhammad Ilyas.

Ichsan explained that all forms of reclamation requirements documents have been completed and according to existing regulations. Starting from the reclamation permit and analysis and environmental impact documents (Amdal).

In addition, the South Sulawesi Provincial Government through the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Service will also calculate compensation for fishermen who usually carry out activities in areas where reclamation will be carried out.

"Later it will be calculated and compensated. Here there is also the Department of Transportation, I want to explain about the bridge hoax that will be built. It doesn't exist, later the residents here will be empowered for visitor transportation," explained Ichsan.

The South Sulawesi Provincial Government itself will use the land from the reclamation of 12.11 hectares for marine tourism destinations. The construction of this destination will also involve residents of Lae-lae Island.

"Indeed, this is the goal of how to make our tourism development better and empower the surrounding community. That's why we represent the government here to ensure that this reclamation will prosper the community," said Ichsan.

The reclamation of 12.11 hectares explains that this reclamation is a continuation of the collaboration between the South Sulawesi Provincial Government and the developer, PT Yasmin Bumi Asri. Of the total 157 hectares of reclamation land planned in the CPI area, the developer is obliged to hand over 50 hectares to the provincial government.

However, on CPI land, 12 hectares of land grew, certificates were issued in the name of the provincial government. So it is impossible to reclamation in that place. This shortfall was met by reclamation in the eastern part of Lae-lae Island.

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