Jambi Police Start Banning Coal Vehicles From Crossing National Roads
Police officers raided coal vehicles on the Jambi National Road (ANTARA)

JAMBI - The Traffic Directorate of the Jambi Police has again stopped coal transportation traffic via national roads in the local area. Sanctions will be given, namely a ticket

Jambi Police Traffic Director Kombes Pol Dhafi said the cessation of coal transportation activities was carried out indefinitely.

"It turns out that the cessation of coal transportation is due to the large number of coal trucks that are still stubborn, violating the number of tonnages, violating operating hours to coal trucks parked on the shoulder of the road, potentially causing traffic jams," he said, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, May 26.

From the results of the meeting with KSP, the number of cargo trucks transporting coal should not exceed 15 tons.

"The rules were started by 11.5 tons, then after a meeting with KSP it should not be more than 15 tons," he said.

Regarding the policy of the number of tons, different actions will be imposed.

"If there is a transportation that is more than 11.5 tons, it will get a ticket, but if there are more than 15 tons of vehicles, the Jambi Police Traffic Directorate is ready to secure the transportation," he said.

Dhafi said the facts in the field were found by coal trucks containing more than 20 tons. The excess tonnage of coal transportation causes damage to the national road that is traversed by transportation.

Thus, his party must stop coal transportation until the time is uncertain.

If every company and driver obey the rules, he said, then the coal truck will be allowed to resume operations as usual.

"If we comply, then we will open the road," he said.

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