Known To Invite To Play Boy In A Room, A 49-year-old Male Arrested By The Banyumas Police PPA Unit
The suspect in the case of sexual abuse of minors in Banyumas/ Photo: Doc. Cilacap Police

BANYUMAS S, a 49-year-old man was secured by the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Banyumas Police Criminal Investigation Unit for the crime of sexual abuse of minors. Banyumas Police Chief Kombes Edy Suranta Sitepu through the Banyumas Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Commissioner Agus Supriadi said the perpetrator was arrested on Thursday, February 22 in Somagede District, Banyumas Regency.

"We have secured the alleged perpetrator with the initials S (49), a resident of Somagede District, Banyumas Regency," said the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit in a written statement, Thursday, February 23.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit explained that this incident occurred in 2022 at the perpetrator's house. At that time the victim with the initials AA (5) was playing with the perpetrator's child in front of his house and was called by the perpetrator.

"So the modus operandi was that the victim was playing at the perpetrator's house, then the victim was called by the perpetrator and invited to enter the room," explained the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit.

The victim's parents, who knew about the incident, did not accept it, he reported S to the Banyumas Police. From that report, the officers finally carried out an investigation and arrested S at his home.

The perpetrator and the evidence were successfully secured at the Banyumas Police Sat Reskrim office for further legal proceedings.

"For his actions, the perpetrator was charged with the criminal act of obscenity against children as referred to in Article 82 of Law no. 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection", he concluded.

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