Responds To The Incident At The Yat Daud Christian Church, PGI: Uncompleteness Of Permits Is Not An Excuse, You Can Stop The Force Of Worship
The location of the Yat Daud Christian Church (GKKD) on Jalan Soekarno Hatta Gang Anggrek RT 12 Rajabasa Village is used as a place of placement without a license. Bandarlampung, Monday, (20/2/2022). (ANTARA/Dian Hadiyatna)

The Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) strongly condemns the imposition of forced and provocative worship stops committed against the congregation of the Yat Daud Christian Church (GKKD), Sunday, February 19 in Rajabasa Jaya Village, Rajabasa District, Bandar Lampung City.

PGI regrets that there are still cases like this. Even though the Head of State, President Jokowi, has explicitly stated the prohibition on the construction of houses of worship. In the 2023 Regional Head Coordination Meeting in Sentul January yesterday, Jokowi said the constitution guarantees freedom of worship and religion.

"The forced cessation of worship against the Bandar Lampung GKKD Congregation automatically contradicts President Jokowi's appeal, as well as injures the mandate of the Constitution which guarantees freedom of worship and religion," said PGI General Secretary, Rev. Jacklevyn F. Manuputty in his official statement, Monday, February 20.

PGI is aware that in this country, there are rules that must be met to build a house of worship. However, the incomplete permit should not be an excuse to forcibly stop the ongoing worship.

"Moreover, the stopping action was carried out in very dignified ways, as well as causing terror and fear," said Jacklevyn.

PGI asks the government and security forces not to let cases like this continue without firm and transparent legal action. The attitude of state omission will result in the fading of state authority, the development of distrust, and the accumulation of friction at the grassroots level which can at any time be generated by irresponsible people into open conflict.

"To the servants and the GKKD congregation, as well as Christians as a whole, PGI recommends to remain steadfast and survive in faith in Christ. Keep maintaining the spirit of national brotherhood while prioritizing the values of love in responding to this incident," he said.

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