Photo Of Jack Ma On Alibaba's Official Website Also Disappears
Alibaba founder, Jack Ma (Source: Commons Wikimedia)

JAKARTA - The billionaire and founder of Alibaba, Jack Ma, is said to have 'disappeared' and is under surveillance by the Chinese government. This is in line with Jack Ma, who has not appeared in public or via his social media for more than two months.

Jack Ma's last tweet online on October 10, 2020, was about his partnership with the Duke of Cambridge and global organizational leaders in support of EartshotPrize.

Launching worldofbuzz, suspicion is getting stronger, because lately Jack Ma's face has also not appeared on the Alibaba website. Jack Ma was also absent from the final episode of his reality show program, 'Africa's Business Heroes'.

His position as one of the judges on the show was replaced by another executive from Alibaba. In his statement, an Alibaba spokesman said Jack Ma was not present because of conflicting schedules.

Jack Ma's 'disappearance' is speculated in connection with Jack Ma's statement at a conference in Shanghai on October 24, 2020. On this occasion, Jack Ma publicly criticized the Chinese Government for inhibiting innovation by avoiding risks.

Jack Ma
Jack Ma. (Twitter / @ alibabagroup)

"What we need is to build a healthy financial system, not systematic financial risks. Innovating without risk is killing innovation. There is no innovation without risk in the world, "said Jack Ma.

It didn't take long for Jack Ma and the Alibaba-affiliated Ant Group to be questioned by Chinese authorities to undergo an anti-monopoly investigation.

After that, the Chinese government also requested that Ant's IPO (initial public offering) be suspended, citing several problems related to financial technology regulations. As well as restructuring its operations.

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