Pedophilia Salesman Who Cares For Elementary School Children In Tambora Is Not Married At The Age Of 42
The suspect in the emergence of elementary school students in Tambora, West Jakarta/ Photo: IST

The Tambora Police Criminal Investigation Unit continues to investigate the alleged molestation with the initials BA (42), a mobile toy trader. From the results of the examination, it was found that the suspect BA had never been married.

From the results of the assessment, the BA suspect has never had experience as a victim of harassment in the past.

"So this perpetrator has not had past trauma and has never experienced sexual harassment in the past," said Tambora Police Chief Kompol Putra Pratama to VOI, Friday, February 10.

Meanwhile, the Tambora Police Criminal Investigation Unit is still trying to find other victims, by conducting an investigation into the perpetrator's boarding house in the Jalan Kebon Jambu area, Cengkareng, West Jakarta.

"From the information of the neighbors, BA has never socialized with neighbors and only lived alone. We also did not find any other victims from the two boarding locations of the perpetrators," he said.

Based on the information gathered, the perpetrators have been selling accessories since 2000 until now. Before the COVID-19 outbreak, the perpetrators had time to sell in a number of markets that often changed places. However, after COVID-19, the perpetrators started selling in schools.

"He sold it since the beginning of the children went to school (one year ago). Schools that had been the location for selling perpetrators were other people at Watsung Pluit schools, Tanah Pasir. Schools in Kapuk area, Paluwon Jelambar school, Kapuk dongkelan school, and at SDN Angke Village, Tambora District.

The Tambora police chief asked the school to assign security guards to help supervise children during rest hours.

"We urge parents to build regular and intense communication with their children, teach them which sensitive areas children should not be touched by others. Please parents get used to asking their children about their children's daily lives at school, when playing and hanging out with their friends, and all activities that children do. So that if something suspicious is done, parents can immediately know and can immediately report it to the police," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a mobile trader with the initials BA (42) did not move when he was arrested by members of the Tambora Police Criminal Investigation Buser. The perpetrator was arrested for committing acts of obscenity against four elementary school children in the Tambora area, West Jakarta.

Tambora Police Chief Kompol Putra Pratama said the perpetrator was revealed with the help of other traders. The suspect with the initials BA comes from East Bangunsari Village, Batang District, Batang Regency, Central Java.

The incident occurred last Monday, January 6. The perpetrator launched his action at an elementary school in the Tambora area. The suspect is a mobile accessories seller (key hangout, bracelet, wallet ring, sticker and others).

"The perpetrator carried out persuasion by luring the children with bonuses in the form of bracelets and stickers so that he could hold the breasts and several other sensitive parts," said Kompol Putra when confirmed by VOI, Friday, February 10.

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