Observe The Rules For Storage And Distribution Of COVID-19 Vaccines
Sinovac vaccine arrives at Bio Farma laboratory (Source: BPMI Setpres)

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 vaccine made by Sinovac, China has begun to be distributed in a number of provinces in the country since Sunday, January 3.

Furthermore, in an effort to prevent a decline in vaccine quality, the Technical Guidelines for Vaccination for COVID-19 issued by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) on Saturday, January 2, mentioned a number of things that must be considered regarding the storage and distribution of this vaccine.

The technical guidelines state that vaccine distribution must use a cold box and vaccine carrier complete with a cool pack or other means of transportation suitable for the type of vaccine. This cooling container must be equipped with a temperature monitoring device and must disinfect its surface to prevent bacteria or viruses from sticking.

Meanwhile, officers who are responsible for the vaccine must use medical or surgical masks and if necessary they are required to use gloves after washing their hands with soap or hand sanitizer.

"Vaccine storage and other vaccination logistics refer to the applicable Standard Operating Procedures (SPO)," he was quoted as saying by the Ministry of Health's technical guidelines, Tuesday, January 5.

Regarding the storage of vaccines in place, storage management is divided into three, namely the first COVID-19 vaccine with a storage temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius. Second, vaccines with a storage temperature of -20 degrees Celsius (mRNA vaccine, Moderna) and third, vaccines with a storage temperature of -70 degrees Celsius (mRNA vaccine, Pfizer).

Vaccine storage must be in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures (SPO) in order to ensure vaccine quality is maintained until it is received by the target.

The following are the rules for each type of vaccine according to the storage temperature:

1. Vaccine storage at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius

a. The storage room must be protected from direct sunlight. Storage of the COVID-19 vaccine is arranged in such a way as to avoid picking errors, it needs to be stored separately in a different vaccine rack or basket so as not to be confused with routine vaccines. If possible, the COVID-19 vaccine is stored in a different vaccine refrigerator, separated from the routine vaccine.

b. Vaccine storage for health care facilities that do not have a standard vaccine refrigerator or open-top type according to WHO prequalification) can use domestic or household refrigerators, which are structured based on temperature sensitivity classifications and according to effective vaccine management.

c. Vaccines should not be placed near the evaporator

2. Vaccine storage at temperature -20 degrees Celsius

a. The storage room must be protected from direct sunlight. Storage of the COVID-19 vaccine is arranged in such a way as to avoid picking errors, it needs to be stored separately in a different vaccine rack or basket so as not to be confused with routine vaccines. If possible, the COVID-19 vaccine is stored in a different freezer or vaccine refrigerator, separated from routine vaccines.

b. The vaccine can last for 30 days at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius. In the vaccine refrigerator, place the vaccine close to the evaporator.

3. Vaccine storage at a temperature of -70 degrees Celsius

a. Storage of this type of COVID-19 vaccine requires Ultra Cold Chain (UCC) facilities. The storage room must be protected from direct sunlight.

b. The UCC facility is a freezer with a very low temperature (ULT) and a special vaccine transportation tool.

c. The UCC vaccine transportation tool (in the form of a passive container) consists of two, namely Arktek using a cold box in the form of PCM (Phase Change Materials) and a thermoshipper using dry ice. PCM and dry ice function to maintain cold temperatures.

Meanwhile, during the vaccination service, vaccines are carried in a passive container, namely the vaccine carrier or for vaccines using the UCC storage procedure using Arktek and PCM or thermoshipper and dry ice. Furthermore, passive containers should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Make sure the passive container is clean before use.

For the use of the vaccine carrier, the vaccine that has been used is placed in the sponge or foam covering the vaccine carrier, while the unused vaccine is still stored in the vaccine carrier. Before using the vaccine, the vaccinator must pay attention to its condition such as not expired, stored at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius, the label is still there, and not submerged in water.

Then, the unopened vaccines are marked and brought back to the storage room to be stored in the vaccine refrigerator at a temperature of 2–8 degrees Celsius. Then, this vaccine is prioritized for use in the next service. For multidose vaccines, it is important to include the date and time the vaccine was opened or diluted.

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