Victims Of Women's Obscenity In Jambi Increased So 17 Children, KPPA: 7 Women, 10 Men
Illustration of children victims of female sexual violence in Jambi. (Unsplash)

JAKARTA - The victim of sexual harassment or violence by a 25-year-old woman with the initials Y alias N, a resident of Rawasari Village, Alam Barajo in Jambi, increased from 11 to 17 children.

"Seven girls, 10 boys," said Deputy for Child Special Protection of the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) Nahar, Tuesday, February 7, was confiscated by Antara.

Nahar said that currently 10 children who are victims of sexual violence are women with the initials NT in Jambi who live and study at home are safe while the other seven children live with their parents and return to school.

"Seven children living with their parents are given mental strengthening so they can survive and still be able to socialize with their social environment," he said.

Nahar said that the ministry continues to oversee the handling of cases of sexual violence against children that occurred in Jambi City.

"(The victim) is scheduled to get services, both at UPTD PPA and at home, and assistance during the inspection process," he said.

A woman with the initials NT was reported to have sexually assaulted eight to 15 years old children in Jambi City.

The police have named the woman who rented the PlayStation as a suspect and detained her.

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