The defendant Irfan Widyanto said that all parties involved in the series of premeditated murder, aka Brigadier J, had been lied to by Ferdy Sambo with the police shooting police scenario.
Irfan made this statement while reading a memorandum of defense or plea in the alleged obstruction of investigation or obstruction of justice case.
"Everyone was deceived by Mr. Ferdy Sambo. On the basis of this misleading information, we all fell into this big storm. Is this our fault? ” said Irfan during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Friday, February 3.
Meanwhile, the parties who were tricked by the scenario led to criminal proceedings, namely, Hendra Kurniawan, Agus Nurpatra, Arif Rachman Arifin, Chuck Putranto, and Baiquni Wibowo.
In addition, the top order giver in the obstruction of justice case is Ferdy Sambo. Meanwhile, the other defendants only followed orders that could not be rejected.
Moreover, continued Irfan, in the series of incidents of premeditated murder, Brigadier J only Ferdy Sambo knew for sure.
In fact, the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, was deceived by the former Head of Propam Division.
"This has been well supported by the ongoing judicial process to the media, that only Mr. Ferdy Sambo knows what really happened," said Irfan.
In this case, Irfan Widyanto was found guilty by the public prosecutor (JPU) because he was proven to have taken and replaced the CCTV DVR of the Police Complex security post, Duren Tiga, South Jakarta.
His actions were deemed to meet the elements of Article 49 in conjunction with Article 33 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code.
Thus, Irfan Widyanto was charged with imprisonment for 1 year and a fine of IDR 10 million.
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