The Suspect In The Case Of Sexual Violence Against Pretrial, Jember Police Chief: We Face All Resistances
Jember Police Chief AKBP Hery Purnomo. (Photo via Antara)

The suspect in the alleged sexual violence case in the boarding school, Kiai FM, is preparing to file a pretrial lawsuit to the Jember District Court (PN). This step was taken because he saw irregularities in the legal process being carried out.

"So far, our client has been cooperative in coming to fulfill the investigator's summons and we consider the case to be premature, so we will file a pretrial against the case to the Jember District Court," said the suspect's attorney, Alananto.

Responding to this, Jember Police Chief AKBP Hery Purnomo invited him. He said his party was ready to face a pretrial lawsuit that would be submitted by the suspect's attorney Kiai FM.

"We will face all forms of resistance by the suspect, including the pretrial," said the Jember Police Chief, as quoted from Antara, Saturday, January 21.

According to him, pretrial is the right of everyone who faces the law and anyone is welcome to do that stage.

For this reason, his party will not limit the person who will file a pretrial lawsuit.

"We still have not received a summons and are waiting from the Jember District Court (PN) regarding the pretrial lawsuit," he said.

The Jember Police have named the caretaker of the Islamic boarding school in Mangaran Village, Ajung District as a suspect. He is suspected of committing acts of sexual violence and sexual abuse against the four students who were victims.

The suspect Kiai FM was charged with Article 82 Paragraph (1) and (2) in conjunction with Article 76 letter E of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 17 of 2017 concerning Stipulation of Perppu Number 1 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection, and or Article 6 letter C in conjunction with Article 15 letter B, letter C, letter D, letter g, letter i of Law no. 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence or Article 294 Paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code.

"With a maximum penalty of 15 years for the Child Protection Act, then 12 years for the Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence, and the threat of a sentence of 7 years for Article 294 of the Criminal Code," said the Jember Police Chief.

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