Feeling Obligatory, Ancol Continues The Reclamation Of The Western And East Sides Planned By Anies Era
President Director of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Winarto/Diah Ayu
JAKARTA - President Director of PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol Winarto said that the reclamation of the west and east sides in the Ancol area was continued. The reclamation plan initiated by the era of former DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan was stopped due to legal problems. This was revealed by Winarto at the Commission B meeting of the DKI Jakarta DPRD at the DKI Jakarta DPRD Building. Winarto admitted that Ancol's continuation of the reclamation had been discussed with the Acting Governor (Pj) of the Governor of DKI Jakarta. "Regarding the expansion of the mainland, it is now running. I have asked Pak Pj, the agreement is whether to continue or not," said Winarto, Thursday, January 19. Winarto said that his party had an obligation to continue the development of reclamation. Because, in the two reclamation planning areas, Ancol has received an investment of almost IDR 1 trillion to realize its construction. "Business (investment) has come out of almost Rp1 trillion, both in the west and in the east. The money that has been spent, as an accountability for public companies, must have a return. So, this year we have to continue that. It's been on track actually," explained Winarto. In this reclamation project agreement, Ancol is tasked with building embankments around the mainland. Meanwhile, the DKI Provincial Government makes land from piles of mud from river dredging, reservoirs, ponds, and reservoirs. There are two land reclamation locations, namely the west side with an area of 35 hectares and the east side with an area of 120 hectares. Winarto targets the western side of the reclamation to be completed in the next two years, with the construction of a floating mosque that has started since the Anies era. The progress is still minimal in the reclamation of the east side because 20 hectares are still being built. In fact, Ancol has carried out the obligation to acquire land that will belong to the DKI Provincial Government covering an area of 5 percent or 6 hectares of total land. The contribution is also planned for the construction of the Rasulullah Museum. "For the Rasulullah Museum (in the eastern side of the reclamation), our agreement has been completed with the provincial government. From the 120 hectare plan, we have made a embankment, 20 hectares of land have been lost. In our obligations to the provincial government, 5 percent of the 120 hectare permit area must be handed over to the provincial government, which means 6 hectares," he explained. "But now it's only 20 hectares, but our obligation to go to the provincial government has been done. So now we have to pay the obligation to the provincial government because 120 hectares have not been completed. So now we have 14 hectares," he continued. In 2020, Ancol's reclamation is in question because there is no regulation on reclamation, Anies only issued Governor's Decree Number 237 of 2020 concerning the Implementation Permit for the Expansion of Ancol Recreation Areas. Even though the legal umbrella for this reclamation should be a regional regulation. The DKI Jakarta DPRD has asked Ancol's reclamation to be temporarily suspended. This is because, according to him, the reclamation project in Ancol, North Jakarta cannot be continued before there is ratification of the revision of regulations regarding spatial detail plans (RDTR) and zoning.

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