The Central Java Police Chief Ensures That The Family Case Of The Perpetrator Of Obscenity Is Suspected Of Being Riceed By NGOs, Complete With Professionals
Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi/ Photo: Doc. Central Java Police

The case of sexual abuse of a 15-year-old child by six people has not yet come to light even though the perpetrator has been arrested. Because there are allegations of extortion by one of the NGOs against the perpetrator's family. This problem also caught the attention of the Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi.

Information was obtained that the perpetrator's parents reported to the Brebes Police because they felt blackmailed by a number of people from the NGO. Unmitigated, the nominal amount of money he asked for was Rp. 200 million.

Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi through the Head of Public Relations of the Central Java Police M Iqbal Alqudussi said that his party was still examining witnesses, including rape victims.

The police chief in Sukoharjo just said that he would complete it completely, professionally and proportionally. By continuing to apply the legal principle of equality before the law. And providing protection for victims who are still minors. And also grants the rights of perpetrators who are also under the age of 5 people. "Obviously Iqbal in a short message, Thursday, January 19.

Iqbal also said that until now his party was still examining a number of witnesses.

The police also carried out a case development against NGOs who mediated. On January 18, 2023 afternoon. One of the parents of the perpetrators of the rape reported BPPI NGOs on suspicion of extortion, or fraud or embezzlement of the perpetrators' parents. "explained.

Iqbal emphasized that the National Police Chief and his staff focused on protecting children's and women's rights as well as disclosing criminal cases with child and female victims.

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