Male Dies In Front Of Yarsi Campus It Turns Out That The Victims Are GOING To Get Married In The Near Future
Illustration/ Photo: Jehan/VOI

JAKARTA After conducting an investigation, the Central Jakarta Cempaka Putih Police stated that the body of the man found lying on Jalan Letjen Suprapto, in front of the Yarsi campus, turned out to be a victim of robbery.

"This is because the Nmax type of motorbike used by the missing victim and another cellphone was also taken," said Cempaka Putih Police Chief Kompol Bernard Saragih, Monday, January 2.

Furthermore, Kompol Bernard said, officers had also found the identity of the victim with the initials KSD. The victim lives on Jalan Swasembada Barat 8, Kebon Bawang Village, Tanjung Priok.

"In Tanjung Priok, the victim signed. The address on the ID card is a resident of Tambak RT 06 RT 01, Gumelar Kidul Village, Tambak Kota District, Banyumas," he said.

Until now, a number of witnesses have been questioned. It is known that the victim will have a wedding in the near future. This was discovered after the police conducted an examination of a woman who turned out to be the victim's fianc.

"According to the victim's future wife, they also want to get married in the near future," he said.

The police also know the identities of the perpetrators. Currently the police are still pursuing them.

"We have known his identity, the members are still pursuing him," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Cempaka Putih Police Criminal Investigation Unit managed to identify the bodies of the stabbing victim found in front of the Yarsi campus, Jalan Letjen Suprapto, Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta.

Previously, the victim was found dead without an identity.

"The identity victim has been identified, the victim has the initials KD, from Banyumas, Central Java," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cempaka Putih Police, Iptu Tri Teguh when confirmed by VOI, Sunday, January 1.

Currently, the victim's body is still undergoing the autopsy process at the RSCM.

"The victim is a man aged about 26 years. It is recorded as a resident of Tambak, Banyumas," he said.

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