Police Call Jamaah Died When Prayers Maghrib Has A Disease History
Photo of victim/ IST ID card

JAKARTA - A middle-aged man with the initials Y suddenly died while performing Maghrib prayers in congregation at the Jami Al-Wahid Mosque, Pisangan Street, Milling, Cakung District, East Jakarta.

The incident was caught on a CCTV camera at the scene.

Cakung Police Chief Kompol Syarifah Chaira confirmed the incident. According to him, the incident occurred on Monday, December 26 at around 18.10 WIB.

"It happened during the Maghrib prayer at the Al Wahid Mosque. There was a congregation named Yushar (61) who fell on the 2nd meeting," said Kompol Syarifah when confirmed by VOI, Wednesday, December 28.

After seeing one congregation fall, another congregation tries to help and lift the victim's body.

"He was helped by the congregation and then taken to the Islamic hospital, he was dead," he said.

From the results of the Cakung Police investigation, the victim is known to have a history of illness. This was said by the victim's neighbor to the police.

"Info from his neighbor, he has been infected with complications. He is a resident of Pisangan Village, Penggilingan Village, Cakung," he said.

Meanwhile, the case is still being handled by the Cakung Police.

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