Motorcyclists DIEd After Collision Of Electric Poles On Jalan Raya Bogor
Officers and residents around Jalan Raya Bogor evacuated accident victims/ Photo; Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

JAKARTA - A motorcyclist died after a single accident on Jalan Raya Bogor, Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta, Thursday night, December 22, at around 22.30 WIB. The victim died after hitting an electric pole on the side of the road. Meanwhile, his colleague who was riding was safe and suffered minor injuries.

According to eyewitness accounts of the incident, Rizal said, the victim allegedly lost control while riding a motorcycle for avoiding a truck.

"On the way from Jalan Raya Bogor to Cijantung, so he was in a tight position on the left sidewalk. Then he fell. He (the victim) was riding a ride," he told reporters at the location, Thursday, December 22, evening.

Rizal said the motorcyclist died at the scene.

"One died carrying a motorbike. It collided with a pole," he said.

Apart from losing control, the victim fell due to slippery road conditions due to rain.

"The victim was both a man, one died and one was injured. The speed of the motorbike was moderate. Maybe he braked suddenly. The one who brought the motorbike was thrown from the motorbike hit the post," he said.

Furthermore, the victim's body was evacuated by an ambulance to a nearby hospital. Meanwhile, the case is being handled by the Traffic Unit of the East Jakarta Region.

East Jakarta Head of Traffic, AKBP Edy Surasa, said that his party had not received any reports regarding the single accident that killed one victim.

"I haven't received a report yet, I'll check it first," he said briefly when confirmed by VOI.

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