The Body Of A Woman Found Wrapped In A Cisadane River, A Murder Victim?
The victim's body is being evacuated by officers/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG - A corpse floating in the Cisadane River, precisely in Berkelir Village, Tangerang, Tangerang City, Wednesday, December 14.

A resident named Dede said that when he was found wrapped in a tied blanket, his head was covered in black plastic, and the victim was wearing a white shirt.

"There was a package like a bedcover wrapped, tied with a rope. When it was pulled, it turned out to be a human leg," Dede told reporters at the location, Wednesday, December 14.

Dede said the blanket strap had come off. The appearance of the victim's body was also seen in part, from the hips to the face. Dede, who saw the scene, also believed that the victim was a woman.

"So when you look at it, when you want to be removed, you want to put your body bag down, so it's open," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Tangerang Police, AKP Abdul Jana, has not been able to explain whether the body was a murder victim. What is certain is that soon the body was evacuated, immediately taken to the Tangerang District Hospital for an autopsy.

Until now, the police are still investigating the identity and cause of the woman's death.

"The victim has been taken to the Tangerang District Hospital, currently it is still under investigation," he concluded

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