Mangkunegaran Surakarta Place Jokowi Downloads Mantu Dilanda Rainfalls And Winds
Jokowi's event downloads in the sun hit by heavy rain and strong winds/ Photo: Ivan/ VOI

JAKARTA - Pura Mangkunegaran, the location of Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono held a wedding celebration, rained and strong winds, Sunday, December 11, at around 13.45 WIB. When this news was broadcast, the rain was still pouring down the Mangkunegaran Temple and its surroundings.

The series of weddings for Kaesang and Erina on this last day, began with the Mantu download event at the Solo Mayor's Office House Loji Gandrung at 7.15 WIB. After that, the wedding group carried out a carnival from Loji Gandrung to Mangkunegaran Temple.

At the Mangkunegaran Kadipaten palace, Kaesang and Erina underwent the first session at 9.00 WIB. The task measure was attended by thousands of invited guests who then shook hands with the two brides and their families.

When it rains, Mangkunegaran Temple, invited guests who come attend the taskarium and are outside the pavilion immediately take shelter under the pavilion.

Meanwhile, outside of Mangkunegaran Temple, several leaves appeared damaged until they fell. Conditions outside Mangkunegaran Temple.

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