West Jakarta Police Have Tightened Guarding At Mako And Vital Pascaledakan Police, Astanaanyar Police
Security at the West Jakarta Police/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police have increased vigilance and supervision after the suicide bombing attack at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung, West Java, Wednesday, December 7. West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pasma Royce said, where the tightening of security started from the police guard to the police station level. This activity is a direct concern from the Regional Police Chief for tightening guard and monitoring of everyone who will enter the command headquarters (mako).

"We will tighten it even more and we will carry out strict checks for everyone who will visit," he said when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, December 7. Kombes Pasma explained, due to the suicide bombing that occurred by the Astanaanyar Police, security will be carried out both with an open and closed system. "Not only to the command, we will also carry out security at vital object points in West Jakarta," he said. In addition, his party will also coordinate with relevant stakeholders in order to maintain the Kamtibmas situation in West Jakarta so that it is conducive. Meanwhile, Kasat Samapta Polres Metro West Jakarta Kompol Arief Budiharso said, his party deployed personnel to guard other vital objects in West Jakarta. "This is further intensified in terms of security and security considering the incident at the Astanaanyar Police, Bandung," he said.

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