As A Result Of The Accident, Jalan Daan Mogot Filled In With Ceceran Tumpian Oli
Police officers handled the oil spill on Jalan Daan Mogot/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - West Jakarta Satlantas officers cleaned the oil spill on Jalan Daan Mogot Raya, near the Grogol traffic light (TL), West Jakarta, Tuesday, December 6. This was done to prevent traffic accidents due to slippery roads due to oil spills on the road.

West Jakarta Traffic Head Kompol Maulana Jali Karepesina said the oil spill was caused by an accident.

"Seeing an oil spill, West Jakarta Satlantas members rushed to clean the oil spill," said Police Commissioner Maulana Jali when confirmed, Tuesday, December 6.

Members clean oil spills by covering the sand so that the road is not slippery.

"This is to minimize the occurrence of traffic accidents due to slippery road traces of oil spills," he said

As is known, a minibus with the number B 2754 SIL had an accident around the West Jakarta Grogol TL. The vehicle was evacuated to the Laka Satlantas unit, West Jakarta.

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