The Chronology Of The Toddlers At The Kalibata City Dianiaya Apartment To The Death
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The Head of Public Relations of the South Jakarta Metro Police, AKP Nurma Dewi, revealed that the man who was suspected of molesting a toddler to death turned out to be the victim's mother's boyfriend. It is known that the victim's mother and the perpetrator have been in a relationship since May 2022, 7 months.

It is known that a toddler with the initials G (2.8) was allegedly beaten by Y to death at the Kalibata City Apartment, Pancoran, South Jakarta, Saturday, December 3. The perpetrator abused the victim because the baby was 2.8 years old, defecating on the apartment mattress.

"In my opinion, a close friend, or a girlfriend. From May 2022 (the relationship) is close, his mother is a widow," said Nurma when confirmed, Monday, December 5.

Nurma explained that the incident occurred when her mother, Stefani (23), was working as a property sales officer. Then the victim was entrusted to the perpetrator at the Kalibata City Apartment, Pancoran, South Jakarta.

At that time, the toddler defecated on the apartment bed. The perpetrator was annoyed until he finally carried out the abuse until the victim was unconscious.

"What is clear is that his son was entrusted with it. Then he stepped up (CAUSE), he was upset. He was swept away screaming. So that's the motive," said Nurma.

After being mistreated, the victim was unconscious, immediately taken by the perpetrator to the hospital. Then, the perpetrator also contacted Stefani to report that her son was in the hospital. Hearing the news, the victim's mother immediately went home early to meet her baby.

"Immediately went home, this child was healthy. Why suddenly he said he was sick. So then he came home, then he was seen dead. Finally he reported it to the Pancoran Police," he said.

Based on this information, the police moved quickly and secured the perpetrator at his home in Cibinong, Bogor on Saturday, December 5.

The perpetrator has been named a suspect. Y was charged with Article 76c then Article 80 of the Child Protection Law Number 35 of 2014 with a threat of 15 years in prison.

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