East Kalimantan Police Unload Illegal Mines in North Penajam Paser, Sepaku District
Location of illegal mining in North Penajam Paser Sepaku/DOK Polda Kaltim

BALIKPAPAN – The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation at the East Kalimantan Police uncovered illegal mining practices in Sukomulyo Village, Sepaku District, North Penajam Paser Regency (PPU).

This mining area is included in the IUP OP PT TKM area, which is suspected to be fake. In this illegal mine, around 1000 MT of coal has been produced.

The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation at the East Kalimantan Police, Commissioner Indra Lutrianto Amstono, said the disclosure of this illegal mining started from reports from residents.

"Based on information from the community, the sub-directorate team of the Tipidter Ditreskrimsus Polda Kaltim conducted an investigation and checked the location, and it was true that at the location we found coal mining activities that were suspected to be without a permit", said Commissioner Indra in a written statement, Tuesday, September 27.

“We also secured three people at the mining site. They are TM, T, and F,” explained the former Director of the North Sulawesi Police's Narcotics Investigation. Currently, the police are examining three people who have their respective roles. TM is a miner as well as an investor, T is an operator and F is a mine guard.

In carrying out its activity, TM entered into a coal mining operational cooperation agreement on December 17, 2021, with B, who is the President and Director of PT TKM.

TM, despite knowing the legality of the problematic/false IUP OP of PT TKM, still carries out coal mining activities for sale using the license of another company.

The three suspects were charged with Article 158 of Indonesian Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning amendments to Law Number 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining. The threat of imprisonment is a maximum of 10 (ten) years and a maximum fine of IDR 10 billion.

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