The Bali Police have named a man with the initials AF (53) from Germany as a suspect related to the Ubud PARQ or known as the 'Russian Village' on Jalan Sriwedari, Tegallalang, Ubud, Gianyar Regency, Bali.
Suspect AF is the Director of PT. PARAQ Ubud Partners and Director of PT. Tommorow Land Development Bali and Director of PT. Alfa Management Bali. He has been detained by the Bali Police since January 17.
Bali Police Chief Inspector General Daniel Adityajaya his party revealed a criminal case of changing the function of agricultural land and protected rice fields regulated in Law No. 22 of 2019 concerning the Sustainable Agricultural Cultivation System and Law No. 41 of 2009 concerning the Protection of Sustainable Food Agriculture Land.
"The motive is economic, and the modus operandi of the perpetrators is to carry out the construction of villas, spa centers and animal farms on protected rice fields and sustainable agricultural food areas (LP2B) which are included in the food crop sub-zone (P1) without being equipped with permits," said Inspector General Daniel Adityajaya, Friday, January 24.
The investigation into the land functionality expert at PARQ Ubud has been carried out since October 24, 2024 by the Ditreskrimsus Polda.
Dalam prosesnya, Polda Bali melakukan klarifikasi terhadap tersangka dan karyawan di PARQ Ubud.
Based on the results of the interrogation from employees and staff as well as a witness with the initials IGNES who is a land owner, it is known that 34 property rights certificates (SHM) were used by the Ubud PARQ business.
"The old operation of the Ubud PARQ consists of two zones. First, the tourism zone and the villa district built in the same area protected by LSD. The tourism zone has been operating for approximately 4 years since 2020, which has now been permanently closed by the Gianyar Regency Government, on January 20, 2025," he said.
"Then the second, for the villa district in the LSD area, it has been operating for two months since October 2024 and is currently a status quo by the Bali Police," he continued.
The Ubud PARAQ accommodation business has been operating since 2020, the information was originally carried out by the IGNES witness. However, the business does not have a permit and the Ubud PARQ business is in the tourism area zone and food plants or protected rice fields and sustainable agricultural land.
In May 2024, the Gianyar Regional Government gave a warning against the Ubud PARQ. The IGNES witness explained that the witness as the land owner and owner of the Ubud PARQ business, namely the AF suspect.
"AF also admits that it has rented land owners. And the person concerned also admits that he has built villas, Spa centers and animal farms, which are suspected of standing on protected rice fields and sustainable agricultural crops leased to land owners," he said.
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