JAKARTA - Ria Ricis revealed that her new activity, which is now a teacher from a kindergarten school that she founded with her sister, Oki Setiana Dewi. He admitted that having a school and teaching has been his dream for a long time that he never thought could be built with his brother.
"It's true that teaching is part of my dream. So in the past I had and had aspirations to have a school, but I didn't have the mind to work with my own brother," said Ria Ricis in the Bintaro area, South Tangerang, Friday, January 24.
Not many know that Teuku Ryan's ex-wife had attended training so she could teach children at her school.
"Learning is normal like kindergarten in general, because before this school I had time to participate in training, there was also a book so that children could learn," he said.
Oki said that one of the lessons taught by Ria Ricis is public speaking so that it is in line with her profession as a content creator.
"Incidentally, Icis studied communication, so we want our children to be active in speaking, Ricis taught public speaking so that children are brave," explained Oki Setiana Dewi.
Ria Ricis also had time to tell that at first the school she founded only had 5 students until it finally increased to 48 people.
"Because at the beginning of opening it, the students only did not reach 10. Now 48 students, hopefully it will continue to grow," he added.
He hopes that later the schools he builds can have branches in various other cities. "Hopefully there will be other school branches too," said Ria Ricis.
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