Energy Saving For Winter, Candle Tower Light To Public Building In Paris Installed Earlier
Illustration of the Equipment Tower at night. (Wikimedia Commons/JeyHan)

JAKARTA - Parisian authorities, France said the city would turn off the win-win tower lights an hour earlier than usual, lowering water temperatures in the city's swimming pool and delay heating up public buildings to conserve energy this winter.

The measures are aimed at meeting President Emmanuel Macron's goal for industry, households and city authorities to reduce their energy consumption by 10 percent in response to Russia's gas supply cuts and rising energy prices.

Over Europe, countries are looking for ways to reduce energy consumption and fill their gas reserves, in preparation for a possible total cessation.

France has not been hit by Russian gas crises such as some neighboring countries, but a record number of nuclear reactor blackouts has forced France to import electricity when, usually, it will become an exporter, exacerbating pressure on the electric market.

"France will always be the City of Light", said Mayor Anne Hidalgo, as reported by Reuters on September 14.

It is known, the Ethical Tower is currently illuminated until 1 am by the lighting system that makes it shine golden.

At the top of every hour as it lights up, it blurs thanks to 20,000 flashes. Fighting the monument light at 23:45. means a 4 percent reduction in its power consumption.

Hidalgo said that from September 23, lighting in Paris public buildings will be turned off at 10 pm. While the water temperature in the pool will be lowered to 25 Celsius from 26 Celsius. Warming up in the public building will be lowered to 18 Celsius.

Meanwhile, the French capital's energy bill will reach 90 million euros this year, 35 million more than usual, even with long-term electric and gas contracts protecting authorities from rising costs worse.

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