The Results Of The Second Autopsy Of Brigadier J Found No Abuse, Habiburokhman Asks To Stop Wild Speculation
Brigadier J's reburied after his body underwent a re-autopsy. (AMONG)

JAKARTA - The results of the autopsy re-examination of Police Brigadier Nofriansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J did not find any injuries from the act of abuse other than gunshot marks. These results have been presented by the Forensic Medicine Team.

A member of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Gerindra faction, Habiburokhman, asked all parties to take lessons from the results of the latest autopsy on Brigadier J's body, where no abuse was found.

He appealed to the public not to speculate too much on the death of Brigadier J. The speculation was that the aide to the former Head of the National Police Propam Division, Inspector General Ferdy Sambo, was tortured before being shot and killed, ranging from removing nails, cutting fingers and so on.

"I think this is a lesson for all of us. Yesterday, there were lots of speculations about being tortured, having their nails removed, their fingers cut, all kinds of things," Habiburokhman said at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 23.

In the end, Habiburokhman continued, all speculations relating to the persecution were refuted by the release of the latest autopsy results. Therefore, the Gerindra politician reminded the importance of speaking the truth. At the same time, don't go too far, which can lead to deviations.

"So we say what is right, what is right, what is wrong says wrong. That there was a murder, the murder must be punished, of course. But the spices should not deviate," said Habiburokhman.

Previously, the forensic medical team explained the results of the autopsy re-examination of Brigadier Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J. It was stated that no injuries were found due to the act of abuse other than gunshot marks.

"We can confirm that according to forensic science, there were no injuries other than gun violence on the victim's body," said Team Leader Forensic Doctor Ade Firmansyah to reporters, Monday, August 22.

From the results of the re-autopsy, five gunshot wounds were found and four gunshot wounds were found in Brigadier J's body. However, Brigadier J's body parts were not detailed with the gunshot wounds.

"We saw not the direction of the shot but the entry of the bullets, there were 5 gunshot wounds entering and four gunshot wounds coming out," he said.

The Forensic Team said Brigadier J had two fatal wounds. Specifically, gunshot wounds to the chest and head.

"There were two fatal wounds on the chest and head," said Ade.

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