Disturbing Security And Ignoring Police Warnings, Knife-wielding Man Shot Dead At Paris Airport
Illustration of Terminal 2F of Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris, France. (Wikimedia Commons/Gunnar Klack)

JAKARTA - French police shot dead a man wielding a knife at Paris' Charles de Gaulle Airport on Wednesday morning, after warning him of a threat earlier.

"Showing composure, police this morning neutralized a threatening and knife-wielding individual at Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport", read a statement on the Paris Prefectural police Twitter account.

The incident occurred at Terminal 2F of Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, around 08:20 local time.

"A homeless person harassed security personnel and border police were called in to help evacuate him", an airport source told AFP news agency.

The man stays away and continues insulting them. He then turned around and took out a knife. One of the police officers then used his gun, the police source added.

Citing the Mirror, an investigative source said the man was considered a threat inside Terminal 2F. Officers have asked the man to put down the knife.

"But he kept refusing and then ran towards the officers. The police opened fire and he died from his injuries", the source said.


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Meanwhile, an AFP photographer who witnessed the incident explained, "a tall man of color pointed what appeared to be a knife at the police. A warning was given but he stepped forward and a policeman opened fire. Only one shot was fired", the witness said.

The photographer said that the man was then placed on a stretcher and evacuated to an area inaccessible to passengers.

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