GP Ansor And East Java PWNU Remind People Not To Easily Trust Kiai Or Gus Impromptu

SURABAYA - GP Ansor East Java reminded the public not to easily believe Kiai and Gus impromptu. Don't be fooled by the mode for personal gain.

This was conveyed by the Treasurer of the East Java GP Ansor, Muhammad Fawait, highlighting Gus Samsudin's feud with Marcel Radhival aka the Red Magician. There was a lot of discussion when Gus Samsudin rejected the challenging Red Magician, to prove that Samsudin's treatment was pure science or just a magic trick.

"This has to be straightened out, because if it's a Kiai or cleric, the lineage of knowledge must be clear. Meanwhile, Gus must be clear about his lineage. So, people shouldn't easily believe in people who claim to be kiai or gus. Look at the sanad and lineage," said Fawait, confirmed, Friday , August 5th.

Meanwhile, the East Java Nahdlatul Ulama Regional Board (PWNU) also highlighted Gus Samsudin's feud with the Red Magician. One of them is related to the Samsudin treatment method in Padepokan Nur Dzat Sejati, Rejowinangun, Kademangan, Blitar Regency. "Samsudin's own method of treatment is more like a shaman," said Ahmad Asyhar Shofwan, chairman of the Bahtsul Masail Institute of PWNU in East Java.

Ishari, as he is known, said that the East Java PWNU had discussed the phenomenon of traditional healers, alternative medicine, predictions and the services of smart people in 2010 through bahtsul masail. As a result, PWNU prohibits such practices on record.

"Therefore, people who believe, believe, justify or tashdiq to them (shamans and the like) as determinants, givers and so on, then it is not permissible or forbidden and can even be kufr. while still adhering to the Shari'a properly, that's how it should be done," he said.

In addition, he said, if someone believes in a shaman, his prayers will not be accepted for 40 days.

"What happened in Gus Samsudin is vague, we don't know, we don't mention people's names. But when there are genie services, for example paper into money, the genie's assistance must not be at least haram," he said.

Therefore, Ishari appealed to the public not to get caught up in matters related to shamans or fortune-tellers. Ishari stressed that as Muslims, we only need to ask and pray to Allah SWT. And practice the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

"To ask for advice or direction, you can come to the kiai or ustaz," he said.

The feud between Samsudin and the Red Magician went viral because they were teasing each other on the YouTube channel. The Red Magician then went to the hermitage and asked Gus Samsudin to come out to prove his abilities.

However, Gus Samsudin refused to leave. After this incident, the conflict between the two of them heated up on social media. Until finally local residents held a demonstration and closed the hermitage.

Recently, Gus Samsudin reported the Red Magician to the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) of the East Java Regional Police, Tuesday, August 2, 2022. Marcel was considered to have defamed Samsudin because he said his treatment was just a trick.

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