Vice President: Climate Change Can't Be Apart From Negligent Humans

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin said climate change such as global warming cannot be separated from human activities that are negligent in interacting with nature.

"The phenomenon of climate change, such as global warming, cannot be separated from human activity, which is negligent in interacting with nature or the surrounding environment," said the Vice President in his remarks at the online Muslim Congress for Sustainable Indonesia, reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 29.

The Vice President said that environmental issues and climate change are crucial issues at the local, national and global levels, so that all parties are required to participate in efforts to overcome the impacts caused by climate change.

Ma'ruf Amin conveyed that environmental damage is almost everywhere, and the impact is felt from the local level to the global level.

In addition, environmental damage has been the cause of the increasing incidence of hydrometeorological disasters such as floods, landslides and droughts.

"The 2021 BNPB data shows that 99.5 percent of disaster events in Indonesia are hydrometeorological disasters," he explained.

The Vice President emphasized that the Indonesian government has committed together with other countries in efforts to reduce carbon emissions, through the 2019 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Roadmap and the long-term strategy of Climate Resistant Low Carbon Development by 2050.

"In addition, Indonesia, as Chair of the G20 in 2022, has raised the issue of climate change with an emphasis on the scale of business climate resilience, carbon emission reduction and green technology," he explained.

Ma'ruf Amin hopes that with international commitment and collaboration, efforts to tackle climate change can run even better.

However, the Vice President said that in overcoming the problem of climate change, the government cannot work alone.

"There is a need for wider stakeholder involvement including academia, the business world, the mass media, and the community, especially Muslims, to work collaboratively so that the phenomenon of climate change can be anticipated properly," said the Vice President.

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