Forms Of Supervision Including Transparency, Polri Invites Brigadier J's Family To Watch The Autopsy Process Through CCTV
The family at the burial site of Brigadier J alias Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat before the demolition process for a re-autopsy on Wednesday 27 July morning. (Between)

JAKARTA - The National Police has invited the family and their legal representatives to witness the re-autopsy process on the body of Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J through CCTV.

Originally, the re-autopsy process took place at the Sungai Bahar Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Jambi.

"Yes, for external supervisors, please, the families who represent also please see (via CCTV, ed)," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo to reporters, Wednesday, July 27.

In addition to surveillance, CCTV cameras installed in the autopsy room are also a form of transparency.

However, Dedi emphasized that the results of the autopsy will not be fully disclosed to the public. Because there are certain limitations. This information disclosure is regulated in Article 17 of Law Number 8 of 2014.

"In Article 17, information disclosure has exceptions and limitations, yes, because it is for the investigation and investigation process," he said.

Later, all the results obtained will be disclosed in the trial process. So, it can be tested and accounted for in front of a panel of judges.

"Once again, the exhumation was carried out by the authorities. The authorities in this case are investigators, because this is for the purposes of the investigation and the results will also be disclosed in court," said Dedi.

For information, the Police carried out an exhumation and re-autopsy on Brigadier J's body. This was done because there was a request from the family who believed that there was an element of premeditated murder behind the case.

The autopsy process on Brigadier J's body will be carried out at the Sungai Bahar Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Muaro Jambi.

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