Ustaz Hanan Attaki Cancels Performing At The Tabligh Akbar Concert Langit, Jember Regency Government: Many Refuse
Photo via Antara

JAKARTA - The Jember Regency Government canceled the Sky Concert Tabligh Akbar which was held by the Gaul Assembly with Ustaz Hanan Attaki as the speaker at the PKPSO Kaliwates Sports Center, July 29, 2022.

"Avoiding that risk takes precedence over bringing benefits. That is the principle that has been decided by the Jember Regency Government against the Sky Concert Tabligh Akbar," said Jember Deputy Regent, M Balya Firjaun Barlaman, Friday, July 22, quoted from Antara.

The Jember Regency Government refused to give permission to hold the Sky Concert in order to maintain a conducive atmosphere. The reason is, a number of community organizations (ormas) there have rejected the presence of the speaker.

"There are several mass organizations that have sent letters to the Jember Regency Government rejecting the presence of Ustaz Hanan Attaki, but verbally many have expressed objections, even threatening to stop the activity halfway," he said.

The Jember Regency Government together with the Ministry of Religion, the Indonesian Ulema Council, the Religious Harmony Forum had an audience with the Sky Concert Tabligh Akbar Committee at the Jember Regency Government Office on Thursday (21/7) to explain what were the considerations in canceling the concert.

"We as the government anticipate before things that are not wanted happen, so the Jember Regency Government prohibits the Sky Concert activity with Ustaz Hanan Attaki as resource person," he said.

The man who is usually called Gus Firjaun explained that the Jember Regency Government did not prohibit the assembly and its recitation. However, the important point is the resource persons who were presented at the Sky Concert, because the public saw his track record as a former activist of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) and others.

"The committee has the heart to thwart the Sky Concert in Jember. For its implementation, it is generally welcome, as long as it is held outside Jember," he said.

He ensured that religious events filled with salawat or lectures would not be a problem to be held in Jember. However, if there are speakers who do not match the "color" in Jember and have the potential to cause conflict, rejection is inevitable.

The chairman of the Sky Concert Committee in Jember, Ustaz Hutri, confirmed the cancellation of this event. For him, this is a test of patience and will not be angry, hate, revenge and others.

"The event will continue, but will not be held in Jember, so adjustments will be made for the location and time, because the number of participants who registered to attend the Sky Concert reached 14,000 people," he said.

"From the beginning, the name was a slang and relaxed assembly, because the principle in the assembly was the fixed price of love and sincerity," he said.

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