Circulating Invitation To Declaration, Secretary General Abdul Rochman: GP Ansor Does Not Know The Term Alumni Association
Illustration-(Photo: DOK ANTARA)

JAKARTA - Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Central Leadership of the Youth Movement (GP) Ansor Abdul Rochman said, organizationally as a youth organization under Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), GP Ansor does not recognize the term alumni association.

“GP Ansor already has clear and official regulations or organizational structures. The term alumni association is completely unknown in the GP Ansor organization, so the use of the term with the name GP Ansor is clearly very inappropriate," said Adung, Abdul Rochman's nickname, in a written statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Tuesday, June 14. .

He conveyed this in response to the emergence of broadcasts or messages sent in bulk regarding the invitation to the declaration of the Ansor GP Alumni Association in Surabaya, East Java, Friday, June 17.

Adung emphasized that the declaration to be held in the West Parking area of the Surabaya City NU Museum was beyond the knowledge and organization of GP Ansor. According to him, retirement at GP Ansor is a dedication to the NU jam'iyyah, the nation and the state of Indonesia.

Furthermore, related to the details of the message, the initiator stated that the declaration of the GP Ansor Alumni Association was motivated by the existence of signs that the implementation of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia was no longer in favor of the interests of the people. According to the originator of the message, currently, Indonesia has been dominated by oligarchic interests.

In response to this statement, Adung said that so far, GP Ansor has been committed to implementing the principles of national and state life, as embodied in Pancasila.

GP Ansor, he added, is also consistent in overseeing the achievement of the country's goals, as stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, namely, protecting the entire Indonesian nation and the entire homeland of Indonesia, advancing public welfare, educating the nation's life, and participating in carrying out world order based on independence. lasting peace and social justice.

Thus, GP Ansor firmly rejects any form of political maneuvering or movement in the name of the nation's interests, when in fact it is motivated by short-term political goals.

Adung also said that GP Ansor continues to critically support the government's efforts to accelerate the achievement of current development goals in the midst of various challenges in the world's volatile political economy.

This support, he continued, was given by GP Ansor through the direct and active involvement of his best cadres in advancing various development sectors in the country.

"The way is, among others, by direct involvement through the best cadres or by actively advancing various other development sectors," said Adung.

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