Ahead Of Eid Celebrations In Afghanistan, Terror Bombs Happen Again In Kabul
Car bombing in Kabul, ahead of Eid. (photo: twitter @SivLeftBehind)

JAKARTA – Terror has occurred again in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. Another bomb explosion occurred in a passenger van on Saturday, April 30. The explosion killed at least one person, Afghan officials said.

It was the second bomb blast in the Afghan capital in two days which came as security concerns rose ahead of the Eid al-Fitr holiday.

ISIS claimed responsibility for Saturday's attack, according to the group's telegram channel.

"One woman was killed and three others injured," spokesman for Kabul commander Khalid Zadran told Reuters.

The day before, an explosion killed more than 50 worshipers after Friday prayers at a mosque in Kabul amid a spate of attacks on mosques during the holy month of Ramadan.

An eyewitness to the explosion in the passenger van, 19-year-old Ali Maisam, who was waiting outside a nearby bakery at the time, said he saw a number of bodies.

"I saw people getting out of the minibuses with bloody and burnt faces. I saw four bodies being taken out and a woman was among the dead," he said.

Concerns about security have been rising across Afghanistan as the country prepared on Sunday to celebrate Eid for the first time, in more than 20 years, under Taliban rule.

The Taliban were previously ousted from power following the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

The Taliban retook power in August 2021 after foreign troops withdrew from the country and Afghanistan has since grappled with increasing attacks by ISIS.

The Taliban authorities on Saturday 30 April announced that Eid will be celebrated the following day, marked by celebratory gunfire in the streets of Kabul on Saturday evening.

Authorities are also moving to allay public fears about security conditions ahead of Eid.

"We assure our citizens we will ensure security during Eid," said Interior Ministry spokesman Abdul Nafee Takor.

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