Minister Tjahjo Opens Opportunity For His Men To Participate In Cheating In CASN Selection
Menpan RB Tjahjo Kumolo (Photo via Antara)

JAKARTA - Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Tjahjo Kumolo said he did not rule out fraud in the selection of candidates for the state civil apparatus (CASN) involving elements from the Kemenpan RB and the National Civil Service Agency (BKN).

"It is possible that there is evidence that Kemenpan RB and BKN are involved in the network," Tjahjo said in a statement received in Jakarta, Monday, April 25, quoted from Antara.

Tjahjo responded to the disclosure of the alleged fraud case in the 2021 CASN Selection by the National Police Anti-Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism Task Force (Anti-KKN Task Force), by arresting 30 suspects. According to him, the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police already has initial data and digital traces of the perpetrators.

Tjahjo regretted the alleged fraud in the CASN selection because the government had carefully prepared the acceptance test for these state servants.

"Bareskrim, with existing data and initial evidence of digital traces, will definitely catch and process it. Do not let the CPNS exam process, which has been prepared so well, involving all agencies, be damaged by irresponsible persons," he explained.

Tjahjo's allegation about the involvement of elements in the Kemenpan RB and BKN was based on previous experience where there were brokers from ASN elements.

"Experience, if there is a CPNS acceptance test, there are brokers who are finally caught by the victim's complaint by the Police," he added.

Regarding the disclosure of the alleged fraud case for the 2021 CASN selection, Tjahjo appreciated the performance of the National Police, through the Bareskrim and relevant police officers, in arresting 30 suspects.

The police named 30 people as suspects, namely 21 from the civilian side and nine others from the ASN. The suspects were arrested by teams at the Central Sulawesi Police, West Sulawesi Police, South Sulawesi Police, Southeast Sulawesi Police and Lampung Police.

Meanwhile, Deputy of Human Resources (HR) for Kemenpan RB Alex Denni at the Jakarta Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Monday, said his party would include the names of CPNS who were proven to have cheated during selection into the blacklist or blacklist.

"We will not stop disqualifying the prospective participants involved. If we can, we are all blacklisted, we are not allowed to take part in the next selection," said Alex.

According to him, the Government, through the Kemenpan RB, is seriously carrying out bureaucratic reform and the transformation of ASN to become more professional and world-class, as President Joko Widodo hopes.

Fraud in the selection of CPNS is very concerning and has a counter-productive impact on the Indonesian nation.

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