Rossa Receives IDR 172 Million Fee From DNA Pro, Now Confiscated By Criminal Investigation Unit Investigators After Handing Over During Examination
Singer Sri Rossa Roslaina Handiyani or known as Rossa fulfills the summons as a witness in the DNA Pro trading robot case/PHOTO via ANTARA

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Department said that singer Sri Rossa Roslaina Handiyani or known as Rossa received a singing fee from DNA Pro of IDR 172 million.

"R admitted that he received a fee or honorarium after deducting the production cost of Rp. 172 million," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division Kombes Gatot Repli Handoko to reporters, Friday, April 22.

Rossa has handed over the money to the Criminal Investigation Police investigator. The money submitted is designated as evidence of a money laundering crime (TPPU).

"Then R for the money was handed over to investigators for confiscation," said Gatot.

Rossa was due to be questioned on Thursday, April 21. During the examination, Rossa explained that she only filled out the DNA Pro event once. At that time, he was singing in Bali around the end of 2021.

Investigators also mentioned the value of the contract. However, Rossa was reluctant to mention the nominal.

Rossa only said that the money she received from the DNA Pro company would be handed over to investigators. That way, the money will be evidence.

For information, in investigating the flow of funds in the DNA Pro trading robot case, investigators have examined several artists. Starting from Rizky Billar, Lesti Kejora, and Ivan Gunawan.

Bareskrim has named 12 suspects in the case. Seven of them have been arrested and detained, the rest are still being sought.

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