Regarding Flow Of Funds, Bareskrim Investigates Indra Kenz's Closest Person
Indra Kenz/Photo: VOI

JAKARTA - The Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Bareskrim) continues to develop a fraudulent investment case under the guise of Binomo trading with the suspect, Indra Kesuma alias Indra Kenz. Most recently, investigators named three suspects at once.

The three suspects are people closest to Indra Kenz. Starting from his sister to his lover.

Vanessa Khong

Of the three suspects, one of them is Vanessa Khong. She is Indra Kenz's lover.

Before being named a suspect, Vanessa was questioned by investigators from the Special Crimes Directorate of the Police, some time ago. The inspection relates to the flow of funds.

However, on Sunday, April 10, the woman's status was upgraded from witness to suspect.

"There was a flow of funds from suspect IK and helped to place or disguise funds or hide the proceeds from crimes committed by suspect IK," said Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police-Criminal Investigation Unit Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan in his statement, Sunday, April 10.

However, until now, the details of the nominal flow of funds received by the three have not been explained in detail.

It's just that, specifically for Vanessa, it is suspected that IDR 2 billion was given. Because, the news of giving the money was widely heard lately.

In this case, they are accused of Article 5 and/or Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Prevention and Eradication of the Crime of Money Laundering and Article 55 Paragraph 1e of the Criminal Code.

Will Check

Although they have been named as suspects, the three have not been arrested. Because they will be questioned.

The plan, investigators will examine the three this week. Of course, the examination will also determine the decision to be detained or not.

"The three will be questioned as suspects on Thursday, April 14," said Whisnu.

Total Suspects

With this addition, in total there are 7 people who have the status of suspects, including Indra Kenz.

As for the others, namely, Fakar Suhartami Pratama alias Fakarich, Brian Edgar Nababan, and Wiky Mandara Nurhalim.

For Fakar, he acts as a teacher or mentor from Indra Kenz. Apart from that, he is also an affiliate of Binomo.

Then, Brian took on the role of Development Manager for Binomo. He also recruited Indra Kenz and Fakar as affiliates.

Meanwhile, Wiky plays a role in managing Indra Kenz's paid Telegram group. Where, in that group, Indra Kenz teaches how to trade on Binomo to convince his members.

"Investigators have named seven suspects," said Whisnu.

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