Too Bad! As Of April 3, 13.8 Thousand Moderna COVID Vaccines In Bengkulu Expired
Head of the Bengkulu Provincial Health Office. AMONG

BENGKULU - The Bengkulu Provincial Health Office said that as many as 13.8 thousand Moderna COVID-19 vaccines on April 3 had expired. The head of the Bengkulu Provincial Health Office, Herwan Antoni, said a total of 14 COVID-19 vaccines, AstraZaneca and Moderna types, had expired. 9 thousand doses. "We have tried optimally so that there is no expired vaccine but there is still an expired vaccine," said Herwan in Bengkulu, Antara, Tuesday, April 5. For the Moderna type of COVID-19 vaccine, most of it came from North Bengkulu Regency, which reached 7.6 thousand doses. Then, Central Bengkulu Regency around 1.9 thousand doses, Seluma Regency 1.6 thousand doses, Lebong Regency around 726 doses. Then, Kaur Regency 686 doses, Bengkulu City 658 doses, Kepahiang Regency around 266 doses, South Bengkulu Regency around 168 doses. And the dose of vaccine that has the least expiration date comes from Mukomuko Regency, around 84 doses and Rejang Lebong Regency, which is 58 doses. separated from vaccines whose expiration dates are still long," he said.

For the destruction of expired vaccines, his party is still waiting for orders from the Ministry of Health regarding how the destruction mechanism is in accordance with the specified procedure.

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