2 Times Absent From Examination, Fakarich Guru Indra Kenz Will Be Summoned By Force
Director of Special Economic Crimes of the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan/PHOTO: RIZKY ADYTIA -VOI

JAKARTA - Fakar Suhartami Pratama alias Fakarich, who is referred to as Indra Kenz's teacher or mentor, was declared absent from today's examination. Therefore, investigators will make efforts to force them to bring them for questioning.

"Skip him (Fakar, ed)," said the Director of Special Economic Crimes at the National Police Bareskrim Brigadier General Whisnu Hermawan when contacted, Thursday, March 31.

Fakar's absence came after investigators waited until 18.00 WIB. In fact, Indra Kenz's mentor did not give the slightest reason.

It was noted that Fakar had been absent from the examination twice. So, based on the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP) investigators can summon him.

"Summoned not coming means there is an attempt to take us later," said Whisnu.

"Yes, in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code, will bring it later," he continued.

However, Brigadier General Whisnu could not confirm the time of the forced summons. The reason is that investigators must arrange the administration first.

"Don't know yet, we'll arrange it first," said Whisnu.

For information, Fakar Suhartami Pratama was scheduled to undergo the first examination on March 21. Only, he didn't fulfill it even for no reason.

Investigators have also scheduled a second examination on March 31. Again, Indra Kenz's mentor was not present.

Fakar Suhartami Pratama is reportedly Indra Kenz's mentor or teacher. He is said to have taught Crazy Rich Medan to become an affiliate.

"(Mentor Indra Kenz, ed) the information is Fakar," said Whisnu.

Fakar is also suspected of being the person who taught Indra Kenz to eliminate evidence, including cellphones and transfer balances to other accounts so that they cannot be traced.

"Maybe yes, we can not conclude directly yes," he said.

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