Minister Of Trade To Announce Cooking Oil Mafia, Dasco: No Need For Fanfare, Catch Immediately
Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Sufmi Dasco Ahmad /PHOTO: Nailin In Saroh-VOI

JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, reminded the Minister of Trade (Mendag) M. Lutfi that there is no need to announce that the police will identify a suspect in the cooking oil mafia (migor). According to him, if the mafia is known, it should be immediately arrested by law enforcement.

"If we check, there is indeed a mafia. But there is no need to announce it. I think they will arrest it immediately," said Dasco, at the DPR building, Tuesday, March 22.

Moreover, Lutfi's announcement regarding the migrant mafia was canceled, which was planned to be carried out on Monday, March 21 yesterday.

The daily chairman of the Gerindra DPP admitted that he did not want to speculate about the cancellation of the announcement of the migrant mafia. Because, said Dasco, it is the full authority of law enforcement officials to act immediately.

"I don't think it needs to be announced. Just arrest it, why the hell," he said.

Previously, Trade Minister Muhammad Lutfi stated that the police would announce the suspected cooking oil mafia on Monday, March 21.

Lutfi said he had pocketed the names of a number of suspects who caused cooking oil in the community to be expensive and scarce.

Lutfi said the step was taken to ensure that the cooking oil mafia could be dealt with by applicable law. In addition, he wants to reject the slanted assumption that the government has lost in dealing with the cooking oil mafia.

“The government has never relented, let alone lost to the mafia. I'm sure they will be arrested," said Lutfi.

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