Ahead Of Ramadan, Police Focus On Helping Complete Vaccination Achievements In Banjar, South Kalimantan
Illustration. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The effort to achieve a complete dose of COVID-19 vaccination in South Kalimantan has received assistance from the Banjar Police. This step was taken ahead of entering the holy month of Ramadan in early April 2022.

Based on data from the Indonesian Ministry of Health dated March 20, 2022, the vaccination achievement in Banjar Regency was targeted at 442,251 people or 78 percent of the 565,635 population, as many as 381,203 people or 86 percent had received the first dose and 208,431 people or 47 percent of the second dose.

"Hopefully the second injection, aka the complete dose, can reach 70 percent entering the fasting month this year," said Banjar Police Chief AKBP Doni Hadi Santoso, quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 20.

According to him, the achievement of vaccination according to the target is expected to be important considering that during Ramadan there is an increase in religious activities that gather many worshipers.

"For example, Tarawih prayers every night and iftar together, so we hope that all congregations who gather have received a complete dose of vaccine," said Doni.

The police chief also reminded the public to remain disciplined in applying health protocols to every worship activity because the pandemic is not over yet and the transmission of COVID-19 is still a threat.

Although now the case of COVID-19 in the area known as the City of Veranda of Makkah continues to slop, leaving 99 patients under treatment with the majority of symptoms being mild and moderate.

"We really hope that COVID-19 can be at zero cases during Ramadan this year if we look at the good trend of decreasing transmission in the past month," he said.

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