Again, Police Raid Boncos Village, Three People Arrested With Evidence
One of the cannabis users arrested in Kampung Boncos/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Palmerah Police raided Boncos village or Pulo village, South Bambu City, Palmerah sub-district, West Jakarta, Friday, February 4, afternoon. As a result of the raid, the police confiscated a number of drug packages. Palmerah Police Chief AKP Dodi Abdulrahim said this drug operation was suspected to have been leaked so that the police had difficulty arresting users and dealers. "Yes, we are carrying out raids again to eradicate drugs in Boncos village. This is the umpteenth operation because we are committed to cracking down on drug trafficking," said AKP Dodi when confirmed by VOI, Friday, February 4, evening. From this operation, his party arrested one person who was carrying three small clips of crystal methamphetamine. Then there were two other plastic clips in the boarding room, but the occupants of the room had fled. "He's a user, a buyer means yes," he said.

His party will develop this case until they find out who the dealer is in the Boncos area. Because, his party found many small plastic clips in the boarding room when the members searched it. Then, the number of small alleys made it difficult for the police to surround a hiding place for drug offenders. "First of all, I suspect that this operation is leaking. Because there are several TOs that we have prepared, they are empty, but they still look like they are still in use, but now they are blurred," he said. His party will coordinate with the West Jakarta Metro Police to educate the public to jointly eradicate drugs. That way, people will know that Boncos Village is free and clean from drug trafficking. "That's why we will slowly conduct raids here so that later there will be an effect for drug users," he said.

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