Taxi Driver Hangs Himself, Police Find A Will Containing Family Problems

JAKARTA - A man with the initials AP was desperate to end his life by hanging himself in his rented house in Kalideres, West Jakarta.

Before he breathed his last, the victim AP had left a will for his family.

"The will is related to domestic problems. This is purely a family matter," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kalideres Police, Iptu Bintang Baskoro, to reporters on Monday, January 24.

The victim was first found dead by hanging himself by the family.

"In his rented house, the family found around 13.00 WIB," he said.

At first the family was suspicious because the victim did not appear to have left the house to work as a taxi driver.

"Usually (the victim) goes to work early in the morning, so how come today he can't be seen all day. The victim himself works as a taxi driver," he said.

Bintang said there were no signs of violence in AP's death. The victim hanged himself allegedly because he had family problems.

In the rental, found a will made by AP for the family.

"There is a will for his family, related to household problems," he said.

Currently, AP's body has been handed over to the family.

"Immediately brought by the family, because there were no signs of violence," he said.

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