Police Arrest 5 Teenagers In Brawls With Sajam In Cengkareng
The West Jakarta Metro Police Precise Pioneer Patrol Team secures five youths with sharp weapons/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Metro Police Precise Pioneer Patrol Team arrested five youths with sharp weapons who wanted to fight in the Puri Mansion Housing area, West Jakarta.

West Jakarta Police Head of Samapta, Kompol Rahmad Sujatmiko, said the arrests were made when the West Jakarta Polrestro precision patrol team conducted a joint patrol.

"We found a brawl around the Puri Mansion residential area, Cengkareng, West Jakarta. The team then disbanded to prevent any casualties," Kompol Rahmad said when confirmed, Monday, January 24.

During the disbandment of the brawl, the team managed to secure as many as five youths along with sharp weapons.

"We managed to secure five youths along with various sharp weapons including 4 sharp knife types and 1 samurai," he said.

Furthermore, the perpetrators along with evidence of sharp weapons were taken to the West Jakarta Police Headquarters.

"We have handed over the perpetrators along with sharp weapons to the Criminal Investigation Unit for further investigation," he said.

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