Chosen As Commander Of Kostrad, Maruli Simanjuntak Will Improve The Ability Of TNI Soldiers To Face Threats
Maruli Simanjuntak/PHOTO: Dafi-VOI

DENPASAR - Military Commander IX/Udayana Major General (Mayjen) Maruli Simanjuntak who was selected to be the Commander of the Army Strategic Reserve Command (Pangkostrad) will focus on increasing the ability of TNI soldiers to deal with potential threats.

"Kostrad's responsibility as a combat force has become more dominant in terms of professionalism. Indeed, there are territorial assistants, maybe we can also work in the coverage areas of our base. But in general, I think the task is the professionalism of the soldiers, how to improve the ability of soldiers to face current and future threats," said Maruli Simanjuntak in Denpasar, Bali, Monday, January 24.

Maruli explained that the assignment of the main soldiers in Papua-West Papua is being evaluated by the TNI Commander General Andika Perkasa. Therefore, later Maruli Simanjuntak will discuss the technical SOP for the soldiers on duty.

"With many (TNI members) it can be effective with good SOPs, actually more is better. But if a lot of people don't know what to do, maybe and so on, so that it creates an opportunity. In fact, this violation may be one which I will detail later after working," he continued.

In principle, said Maruli Simanjuntak, the TNI is tasked with defending the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, a thorough study is needed to ensure the carrying capacity of the TNI

"Yesterday, we had a meeting at the Ministry of Defense, we discussed it, maybe there are some that will later be supported by Kostrad," he said.

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