PWNU And PCNU Throughout East Java Solidly Support Gus Yahya To Become PBNU Chairman

KEDIRI - Regional Managers and Branch Managers of Nahdlatul Ulama throughout East Java were united in carrying out the orders of older kiai to support KH Miftachul Akhyar as Rais Aam PBNU and KH Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya) as PBNU General Chair.

"We have secured the dawuh elder kiai to support and carry KH Miftachul Akhyar as Rais Aam and KH Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya) as Chairman of PBNU," said Gus Salam, KH Abdussalam Shohib's nickname, in Kediri quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 14 .

Deputy Chairperson of the East Java PWNU KH Abdussalam Shohib explained that the meeting was the final consolidation ahead of the NU Congress in Lampung.

PCNU throughout East Java were invited to the event which was held at the Al Falah Putri Islamic Boarding School, Ploso Village, Mojo District, Kediri Regency.

Gus Salam said that the support for this figure has actually been around for a long time, and even a PWNU Decree that is binding on the organization has been issued.

He stated that his party was unanimous in securing the East Java PWNU decision with all PCNUs in East Java.

"This support is final, it's been a long time, even 2 months ago, the PWNU Decree which was binding, unanimous in East Java supported KH Miftachul Akhyar and Gus Yahya as Rais Aam and General Chair of PBNU," said the caretaker of the Denanyar Islamic Boarding School, Jombang Regency.

According to him, the upcoming NU Congress activities in Lampung will be full of dynamics from various aspects.

He also wants that in the future the activities of the congress will maintain unity, cohesiveness, and togetherness so that the congress can take place well, peacefully, coolly, and there are various progressive thoughts for NU.

The caretaker of the Al Falah Putri Islamic Boarding School, Ploso Village, Mojo District, Kediri Regency, KH Abdurrahman Al Kautsar said the same thing.

"If we are young, we gather here in the context of nderek dawuh solidity Romo Kiai Anwar (KH Anwar Mansyur, Rois Syuriah PBNU East Java) as our teacher, where does he direct him. Our hope is normative so that NU can really be more good in the future," said Gus Kautsar, his nickname.

As a large organization, said Gus Kautsar, regeneration within NU must be maintained.

"In principle, an established organization can certainly give birth to the next generation. None of us feels that there is a weakness in the leadership of Romo Kiai Said (KH Said Aqil Siradj, General Chairperson of PBNU). However, an established organization can certainly give birth to the next generation," he said.

The event was attended by all PCNUs throughout East Java, including the ranks of the East Java PWNU administrators. Also present were the caretaker of the Al-Falah Ploso Islamic Boarding School, Kediri Regency, Kiai Haji Nurul Huda Djazuli, the caretaker of PP Lirboyo Kediri as well as Rais Syuriah of the East Java PWNU KHM Anwar Manshur, the caretaker of PP Al Amien, the City of Kediri, KH Anwar Iskandar, and various other invited guests.

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