Banser Will Take Firm Action On Demos With The Motive Of Splitting NU Ahead Of The Congress

JAKARTA - The Multipurpose Ansor Front (Banser) will take firm action against demonstrations with the motive of dividing NU ahead of the 34th NU Congress, including demonstrations in front of the PBNU building, Jakarta.

"We remind them that if their goal is to divide NU, then Banser will act decisively and be at the forefront against them," said Head of the Banser National Coordination Unit, Hasan Basri Sagala, in a written statement quoted by Antara, Friday, December 3.

He indicated that the recent demonstrations tended to be aimed at attacking personal figures, not within the framework of building a better NU organization in the future.

"Banser continues to be wary of parties who are trying to spread slander, play against each other, and undermine the unity of NU citizens," he said.

Hasan Basri emphasized that in principle Banser was never antipathy to demonstrations by a group of elements claiming to be part of NU because from the beginning Banser had been committed to respecting demonstrations as part of the freedom to express opinions in public which was protected by law.

However, Hasan Basri asked that if the actions were to continue, they must be within the legal corridor. Not only that, as a fellow Nahdliyin, he asked that demonstrations should be carried out in a polite manner and maintain mutual respect.

According to him, it is very inappropriate for NU residents to demonstrate by making fun of the kiai who are actually role models for the people all this time.

“If it is a personal attack then Banser will definitely not stay silent. We will fully protect the kiai, lest their dignity be harmed because of the demonstration, which may only have very short and pragmatic aims and interests," he said.

To maintain the safety and dignity of the kiai, at this time they are also instructing Banser members in the regions to maintain the safety of NU role models.

This is like what members of the Banser Surabaya did who guarded the 24-hour residence of Rais Aam PBNU KH Miftachul Akhyar at the Miftachus Sunnah Islamic Boarding School on Jalan Kedung Tarukan, Girlfriend Kembang, Surabaya. The guard was held until the 34th NU Congress in Lampung took place.

"This is purely Banser's initiative as the responsibility of looking after the kiai. Even KH Miftach himself was surprised when Banser guarded his residence, but after explaining that he finally understood," he said.

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